A downloadable game for Windows and Android

Creative Process

The idea for "Downside of the Abya Yala" came from trying to make a puzzle game with a different touch, after discarding several ideas we opted to give the game a roguelike touch to differentiate it from a normal puzzle game.

After defining the genre, it was time to get started on the main idea. This took longer than we thought. But we ended up choosing a story where the protagonists were several animals and, after several discards, we decided that chihuahuas are the best option for our video game. Since these animals have a lot of character and a great personality that could give play to these having various personalities.

With this came the time to start defining the mechanics and trying to find a simple visual puzzle style that everyone could enjoy our game. On the other hand, it also facilitates the implementation of the game on mobiles, since if we sought to increase the difficulty, it could have problems reading the levels and cause frustration in players, when our main objective is to teach about different Latin American cultures and above all, that users have a pleasant and fun experience.

Latin America, Central America and the Caribbean

With as broad and relaxed a theme as the aforementioned continent, it was difficult to focus only on one of its places, so we decided that the best thing would be to unify everything and create a world in which mythologies and cultures live in harmony. All this adds to giving the work a unifying character that favors everyone finding their identification and learning something, both about their own cultures and those of other places. This idea comes from seeking to enrich the work and have a learning purpose for all players.


Pitch-Downside-The-Abya-Yala.pdf 15 MB
DownsideTheAbyaYala.zip 48 MB
DownsideTheAbyaYala-012.apk 69 MB

Install instructions

  1. Download
  2. Install .apk in your Android phone

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